练习 比喻性词的翻译 (II).ppt

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练习 比喻性词的翻译 (II)

Lecture 比喻性词语的译法 (II) 比喻性词语的具体译法 Ways of Translation of Idioms 焦点和难点,就是对“形象”地处理问题。 一般情况下的做法是: I. 保 literal Translation (直译) (保留形象) II. 弃 Free Translation (意译) (放弃形象) III.改 Borrowing or Replacing (借用法, 替换法,套用法) (改变形象) IV. 略 Omission (省略法) V. 补 Addition (增添法) (直译加注法,补译文形象之不足) VI、还原法 I. literal Translation (直译) A. E-C translation To be led by the nose To look through colored spectacles to fish in troubled waters castles in the air To go into the red After one’s own heart Hang by a hair To show one’s cards Burn the boat Round-table conference baptism of fire trump card armed to the teeth sour grapes war-monger new/fresh blood double faced political capital Golden age new wine in old bottles first/second-hand laugh in somebody’s face open secret tower of ivory B. C-E Translation 雨后春笋 易如反掌 猫哭老鼠 梁上君子 调虎离山 衣冠禽兽 水中捞月 保(直译法,保留形象) 井底之蛙 鸟瞰 捅马蜂窝 狗崽子 鳄鱼眼泪 驼鸟政策 鸽派;鹰派 保(直译法,保留形象) 牛市 熊市 披着羊皮的狼 也有英借中的:如纸老虎 保(直译法,保留形象) (方鸿渐受到两面夹攻,才知道留学文凭的重要。)这一张文凭,仿佛有亚当、夏娃下身那片树叶的功用,可以遮羞包丑。 -----自己没有文凭,好象精神上赤条条的,没有包裹。 (《围城》) 英译文 This diploma, it seemed, would function the same as Adam and Eve’s fig leaf. It could hide a person’s shame and wrap up his disgrace.---- Without it, it was as if he were spiritually stark naked and had nothing to bundle up in.(12) II、Free Translation(意译) 有些比喻不能从字面来译:切忌望文生义 提心吊胆 in a pig’s whisper draw blood hang on sb’s lips talk through one’s hat Question: happy as a mosquito? He’s happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shoot. 穿着泳衣拍照,他快乐得像只蚊子? At a "swimsuit shoot," there is lots of exposed skin so a mosquito is likely to be very happy. A mosquito is happy because of all the bare skin at a swimsuit shoot. as happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shoot 像只蚊子遇上了泳装秀,乐不可支 -- 瞧那广阔天地,何处不好大展拳脚? make a monkey of bend an ear to a skeleton at the feast bury one’s head in the sand 切忌望文生义 pull sb’s leg move heaven and earth child’s play eat one’s words leave no stone unturned call a spade a spade Too many


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