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[好笑的英语笑话小短文]好笑的英语笑话 好笑的英语笑话小短文篇一Fame and hardwork 名声与艰苦劳动 During the Gulf War,my sister,Jane,bought a flag and asked her apartments maintenance man, a Vietnam vet,to install a pole for him. When she offered to pay him,he told her there was no way he could take money for putting up the American flag. 海湾战争期间,我妹妹珍妮买了一面美国国旗,她请房子的维修工一位越战的老兵给她竖一根旗杆。当我妹妹为此什给他钱时,他说,他帮助挂美国国旗,无论如何都不该收钱。 Jane contacted her local newspaper,and they published an article about the incident. The next time she encountered the maintenance man, he told her that everyone he knew had read her story and that she had made him a celebrity.Jane jokingly asked for his autograph. 珍妮来到当地报杜,就此事在报上发表了一篇文章。当珍妮第二次碰到那位维修工时,他对珍妮说他所认识的人都看了她写的报章,是她使他成为了名人。珍妮开玩笑地说让他给签个名。 I dont have time,the man replied. Im too busy setting up American flags. 他回答说:那我可没时间,挂美国国旗的事忙得我不可开交。 好笑的英语笑话小短文篇二Home alone 独自在家 My wife will go to any extreme to keep people from,knowing she is home alone. One evening when I was working late,my wife heard a knock on the door. She ignosed it,but the knocing continued. Frantic,sloe began to bark,softly at first,then louder and louder. Much to her relief,the knocking soon stopped. 我妻子独自在家时,总是不想让别人知道家里没有其他的人。一天晚上,我工作到很晚。我妻子听到有人敲门,她就没理,但敲门的声音总是不停,慌乱之中,她开始学狗叫。一开始她低声地叫,随后她的叫声越来越大。敲门声很快地停了,她这才松了口气。 The next day the paper boy came to the door to collect.I came by last night,he told me,but I left when your wife barked at me! 第二天,送报的小孩来我家收钱,那小孩告诉我:我昨晚上就来了,你老婆老冲我学狗叫,我就走了。 好笑的英语笑话小短文篇三Peter decides the grade 彼得的长相决定了分数 One semester when my brother, Peter,attended the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis,an art-student friend of his asked if he could paint Peters portait for a class.assignment. Peter agreed,and the art student painted and submitted the portrait, only to receive a C minus. 我兄弟彼得在明尼阿波利斯的明尼索达大学上学时,有一个学期,他的一位学艺术的朋友问他是否可以用他做素描的模特作为课堂作业。彼得同意了。那位艺术生画完了,就把肖像交给了老师。他只得了一个C-. The art student approached the professor to ask why the grade was so poor. The


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